EFDA license schools
EFDA is working closely together with 16 license schools. These schools are an important cornerstone of EFDA’s activities. Executing Floral Design lessons and study-tours, organising DFA/ADFA examinations and developing teaching materials are the most important collaborative activities.
Before a new license contract is signed, EFDA researches if the candidate school is meeting the license conditions. These conditions mainly focus on the areas of content, communication, cooperation and confidence. An important quality tool is the yearly evaluation of the license school. Our license schools have several privileges. One of them is the right to organise part of the DFA1 examination under their own responsibility.
Because our license schools are an important cornerstone, EFDA only will grant a license when it is not negatively effecting the position of our partners.
Any Floral Design school interested in the procedure becomming a license school can contact EFDA.